Our Mission
We, the Falcon Ridge Community, will work together for ALL students to achieve academic and social emotional growth!
Together we are more.
Please follow us on Instagram (falconridgejsd) or on Facebook (@falconridgejsd) for the most current information and activities!

Please review the proper procedures for picking up and dropping off your children at school. Please be patient, follow the proper procedures and encourage your students to as well. Safety of our students is our priority.
As always, we are open to ideas and suggestions. Our School Community Council addresses concerns and issues with parking every year. We can discuss them in our SCC meetings and administration is willing to have discussions surrounding the challenges and ideas from the community.
Thank you for helping us with this challenging issue and keeping all students safe!

Falcon Ridge Elementary School is accepting nominations for the School Community Council. We will have 2 additional open voting parent positions for a two-year term. Please submit your name or the name of a person you are nominating on the form below or by emailing theresa.christensen@jordandistrict.org. Please talk with your nominees to make sure that they would be willing to serve in this position prior to turning this in. Nominees must have children at Falcon Ridge for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. The School Community Council consists of 5 parents/guardians and 2 licensed school employees (a teacher/aide and an administrator).
Nominations will be reopen through September 11-20. An election will be held via a survey from September 23-27, 2024
The School Community Council members have roles in helping to identify and recommend a course of action to meet critical academic needs at our school, school safety (safe walking routes), fundraising, curriculum, Trust Lands, and business partnerships. They meet a minimum of four times each school year.
Please use this link to complete the nomination form.
Thank you for your willingness to help serve on this committee.
Yearly Online Registration Instructions 2024-2025
Registration information needs to be completed each year for ALL students attending Falcon Ridge Elementary (even if you are new to our school). For your convenience, registration is done online through Skyward Family Access and will be available now through October 1, 2024. (Do not do a new enrollment (only the registration. There is a link that says “Go to Registration for School for (student name)” on your Family Access on Skyward in the messages).
Go to https://jordandistrict.org
Click on the Parent & Students tab
Scroll down to Family Access (Skyward) and use your login and password (do not use the student login)
Select student’s name and click the online registration link
***If you have more than one student, you will need to choose the student’s name individually and proceed with the registration process for each child.
For help with your Skyward Family Access, or to get your log in and password, contact the main office at 801- 282-2437.
Summer Office Hours:
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Lunch Accounts:
Please make sure that you reapply for free or reduced lunch each year as part of your registration process. You can find the form online during the registration process or in the main office. Lunch prices have increased this year. Lunch: $2.00 regular pay and $.40 for reduced. Breakfast: $1.05 for regular pay and $.30 for reduced. You can pay for your student’s lunch account on your Family Access on Skyward or send a check or cash.
How do I know who my student’s teacher is?
You can see who your student’s teacher is under the Schedule tab on your Family Access.
School Begins:
Wednesday, August 21st for Grades Kinder - 6
Kinder-full day and 1st – 6th Grade Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM – 3:35PM
Friday 9:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Kindergarten- half day Hours:
Monday – Thursday 9:00 AM - 11:20 AM Friday 9:30 AM – 11:20 AM
Back to School Night:
August 19th 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM